Nutmeg Uses – Uses for Nutmeg in Cooking and for Health

Uses for Nutmeg in your cooking – nutmeg uses you may not have considered


What is nutmeg used for ( and does it really make a difference)

Nutmeg is a fall flavor that can be found in a variety of dishes. This warm, sweet yet slightly spicy spice is often paired with other fall spices like cinnamon, ginger, clove, and allspice.

While it’s commonly known for being added to baked goods, there are plenty of uses for nutmeg that expand beyond that. Nutmeg can be used to aid in relieving indigestion, pain, and oral conditions. Its uses also extend to helping to strengthen your immune system, improving circulation, detoxing your body and more.

Keep reading to see some of the uses for nutmeg both in the kitchen and for health.

Uses for Nutmeg

7 Uses for Nutmeg

I love a good spice don’t you!


Uses for Nutmeg – Make Baked Goods

The oldie but goodie use for nutmeg is to make your favorite fall-inspired baked goods. Think cupcakes, cakes, pie, breads, and more. It pairs especially well with flavors like pumpkin, apple, and snickerdoodle.

When used in baked goods, you’ll often find it used in conjunction with other spices. These spices include cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, allspice, ginger, mace or star anise.


Make Savory Dishes – More Uses for Nutmeg in cooking

 While nutmeg is more often found in baked goods and sweeter foods, nutmeg is a great addition to savory dishes. It’s somewhat nutty flavor can be a great addition to soups, stews or chili. Pork loins, chicken thighs, brown rice, greens, and smoothies can all benefit from this addition.

Creamy or cheesy dishes also benefit from nutmeg. Think lasagna, spaghetti, and alfredo sauce when it comes to Italian dishes. Cheesy Mexican dishes can also easily be enhanced with a bit of nutmeg.


Uses for Nutmeg

a coffee and a good read – it’s the simple things

Nutmeg Uses in Cooking- Make Delicious Drinks 

Warm, spice-enhanced drinks are one of the most enjoyable uses for nutmeg. Spices can be a wonderful way to shake up your normal beverage of choice. From ciders to lattes, hot chocolate to tea, and even coffee – fall spices, especially nutmeg, can quickly enhance the flavor profile your favorite warm drinks.


Uses for Nutmeg – Promote Digestion 

Nutmeg maintains it’s fiber content when it’s ground which means even in its normal ground state, it can help stimulate digestive enzymes. This helps to digestion and can increase regularity.

Nutmeg can also aid in treating nausea, diarrhea, stomach spasms, and reducing gas.


Uses for Nutmeg

Nutmeg uses in cooking

Improve Your Oral Health with even more Uses for Nutmeg

Nutmeg has antibacterial properties that make it a great spice for improving your oral health. One of the most beneficial uses for nutmeg is that these properties can fight off bad breath by killing off bacteria. It can also boost the immunity of your gums and teeth.

To best utilize this use for nutmeg, look for toothpaste or mouthwash that contain nutmeg it may sound out but I promise you it really does do an effective job

Treat Insomnia with Nutmeg uses in cooking

If you struggle with insomnia, this may be the perfect use for nutmeg for you. The nutrients found in nutmeg may aid in reducing tension and possibly even stimulate the release of serotonin. Serotonin becomes melatonin which helps induce sleep. This makes it a prime candidate for promoting an overall feeling of relaxation.

Consider adding nutmeg to warm milk and enjoying it right before bed. Not a fan of warm milk? Nearly any warm beverage can be relaxing right before bed. Just ensure that the drink is non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic as to not negate the feelings of relaxation that are encouraged by nutmeg.


Improve Your Skin 

Nutmeg has also been used by herbal and traditional medicine to boost the appearance of the skin. There are a few uses of nutmeg for skin care including reducing inflammation, promoting moisture, and aiding in a smoother appearance. It can also reduce spots from acne and boils.

To use nutmeg for skin, it’s recommended to make a paste with it to apply it. You can make the paste with water or honey. Once the paste is made, apply it to the desired location and then rinse off. Interesting concept hey! Do you think you might possibly give this a try?


Uses for Nutmeg


Uses for Nutmeg & safety

One thing to keep in mind when you’re trying out these various nutmeg uses  is to consume it in moderation. Long-term usage of large doses of nutmeg has been linked to mental side effects, nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, an irregular heartbeat, and even death.

Do let me know if you try any of these I would be really keen to hear your feedback about how you got on

Have you enjoyed this post on what is nutmeg used for? Further reading ideas

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