A Sweet Bouquet perfect Gift for Sweetie Lovers

I am a big fan of sweets and I would just love to receive a sweet bouquet for my upcoming birthday.

Being veggie means it is not always easy for other people to buy my sweets as they are often unsure what  I can actually eat so usually they just don’t get me any (sob.)

So I thought I’d just write a little blog post pointing them in the right direction. I will after all be the big 5 0 this year. Yikes. Too old for sweets I hear you ask? I have my eye on a lovely locket  and I have been perusing personalised glasses and a personalised necklace but you know you are also never too old for sweets, that’s what I say.


Sweet Bouquet


A Personalised Sweet Bouquet

The Sweet Hamper Company personalised sweet bouquet  is amazingly also available as a vegetarian option. It contains a vegetarian friendly mix of retro sweet treats that would really make the recipient smile. I love that they are both hand made and packed in the UK Each one comes with a  personalized gift card  the middle of the sweet bouquet.

The sweet bouquet contents include 28 of the UKs favourite sweets perfect for any occasion but most especially my 50th birthday ( hint hint)

If no one buys me one I may juts have to think about treating myself.

The vegetarian sweet bouquet contains:

2 x Stinger Bars 16g
2 x Refresher Packs 34g
2 x Giant Fizzers 40g
2 x Double Dips 19g
2 x Giant Love Hearts 39g
2 x Refresher Bars 18g
3 x Rainbow Drops 10g
3 x Fruity Pops Lollies
2 x Sherbet Fountain
2 x Wham Chew Bars 16g
2 x Drumstick Chew Bars
2 x Giant Parma Violets
2 x Fizz Wizz Popping Candy
2 x Vimto Chew Bar
Now doesn’t that sound so much more fun than a flower bouquet!
The double dips are probably my favourite sweet treat from the list above – what would be your top pick?

What I love about sweets

I love that sweets can last the whole day unlike a bar of chocolate which just begs to be consumed all at one and doesn’t last very long. A sweetie can sit in your ounth for ages and bring lots of pleasure.
I also love that sweets are perfect for sharing. Alternately you can juts hoard them in your desk drawer or bedside cabinet (not that I would ever do that and deprive my kids – it was just a thought!)
A sweet bouquet look so pretty and are a lot of fun and make a perfect gift idea for any occasion.

Sweetie hampers galore

Over at the sweet hamper company there are many different types of sweetie based gifts from American candy hampers to chocolate ones and a while host of decade themed hampers. My in laws wound just loves this 1960’s hamper I am sure  a sweet treat of nostalgia.



An example huge 1960s sweet hamper contains:

American Hard Gums x2,

Black Jack Stick Pack x2,

Blue Raspberry Bonbons x2,

Strawberry Bonbons, Candy Necklace x2,

Juicy Red Lips, Sherbet Dip Dab x2,

Strawberry Jawbreakers, Jelly Beans, Pear Drops ,

Sherbet Lemons x2,

Giant Love Heart Roll,

Sherbet Fountain,

Fried Eggs,

Fruit Salad Stick Pack x2,

Giant Parma Violets x2,

Drumstick Lollies,

Rainbow Drops x2,

Giant Cola Bottles x2

isn’t that the cutest gift idea too.


Lets hear it for gifting sweeties! 



A Sweet Bouquet perfect Gift for Sweetie Lovers is a collaborative post


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